Connect Puerto Rico

News to Inform. Community to Empower.

Connect Puerto Rico

Connect Puerto Rico is a monthly newsletter focused on U.S. policy, business, science, and technology affecting Puerto Rico’s transition to renewable energy.

Some of the big challenges slowing progress with renewable energy development in Puerto Rico are

  • outdated infrastructure

  • insufficient workforce

  • a lack of local knowledge

Our focus is on building community to find solutions that are sustainable, resilient, and equitable, that benefit Puerto Ricans, and strengthen Puerto Rico.

From Our Readers

A. Noor

“I've recently decided to move to Puerto Rico and establish a satellite of our business there. We are an open-source company that believes cybersecurity — like renewable energy — must be accessible to all. The articles are helping me to understand Puerto Rico.”

M. Starling

“I've been working on a story for the past year about the factors slowing Puerto Rico's grid updates and transition to solar … Your good work is being seen and making a difference. It's no easy task simplifying all of the ongoing news into such a digestible format!”

Who We Are

Jillian Melero

Jillian Melero is the founder and editor of Connect Puerto Rico.

She has worked as a news editor across print, digital, and broadcast media since 2013, from LGBT news in South Florida to covering immigration and immigrant communities in Chicago.

She earned her master’s degree in editorial journalism, specializing in health, environment, and science reporting from Northwestern University in 2019.

She has been published by the
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and has worked with nonprofit news outlet Climate Central.

Our Supporters

Craig Newmark J-School at CUNY

Connect Puerto Rico began development with the Entrepreneurial Journalism Creators Program at the City University of New York from October 2023 to January 2024.

Google News Initiative

Connect Puerto Rico continued development with the Google News Initiative’s Prelaunch Lab from July through August 2024.

Connect with Us

Connect Puerto Rico is meant to be a community-driven, collaborative, solutions-focused endeavor.

Our stories and services aim to be responsive to community needs, suggestions, and feedback.

If you are interested in collaborating with, contributing to, supporting, or sponsoring Connect Puerto Rico, let us know!